
Essential Guidelines for Handling Home Emergencies

In today’s world, constantly changing and unpredictable weather patterns, emergence of new diseases, natural calamities and rise of global terrorism pose a strong threat to public health and well-being everywhere. Since these events occur without any precedence or warning and can strike any geographical location, emergency preparedness and response plays a crucial role. Home emergency preparedness largely pertains to quickly responding to and taking corrective action for recovering from the situations which hinder the normal routines.

Emergencies may be classified as natural or man-made. Examples include earthquakes, floods, cyclones, epidemic outbreaks, home fire, burst pipes, gas leakage, nuclear explosions, chemical spills, accidents and the like. It is important that people stay safe before, during and after the occurrence of natural calamities or emergencies. Extra precautions must be taken in the context of patients, senior citizens, young children and disabled people as they are more vulnerable.

The Emergency Preparation Guide helps us to be proactively equipped to handle an emergency by stocking the necessary supplies and using them appropriately. These items must be readily arranged in a portable kit which is easily accessible or can be carried along during evacuation.

The Emergency Preparedness Kit must contain the following -

  • Sufficient quantity of drinking water for all family members for at least three days
  • Non-perishable and easy-to-prepare food items
  • Emergency flashlight/torches with extra batteries
  • Radio
  • First Aid Kit
  • Weekly stock of medications, baby supplies (example: diapers, feeding bottles, formula powder, readymade infant foods), medical supplies (example: hearing aids, syringes, spectacles, dietary supplements, contact lenses), sanitation items and personal hygiene goods.
  • Emergency contact information
  • Multi-purpose toolkit
  • Cell phones with chargers and power banks
  • Copies of Important documents including medical records and history, passport, health insurance policies, birth certificates and proof of residence
  • Extra cash
  • Local maps
  • Emergency Blankets and Sleeping Bags
  • Extra clothes

Additionally, other essential items may include pet supplies, extra home and vehicle keys, towels, gloves, rain gear, plastic sheets and household disinfectants. Let us next understand the First Aid process to be followed during a health emergency or disaster.

  • Emergency First Aid (EFA)
  • EFA is administered with the object of
  • Ensuring the victim is alive.
  • Preventing the worsening of the victim’s condition or symptoms.

Administering the First Aid until the medical help arrives. The basic first aid to be given can vary based on the patient’s injury or health condition(examples include injury, bleeding wounds, burns, blisters, fractures, cardiac arrest, strokes, sprains, drowning and insect bites). The specific procedures for each must be followed as per the guidelines given in the Emergency First Aid Guide. It is important that trained persons administer the first aid to the patient. They must clean their hands thoroughly with disinfectants before the process to prevent infection. It is equally crucial to clean the surrounding area and make the victim lie down before administering EFA.

Ensuring that the victim gets the required medical assistance by calling the EMS Ambulance (EMS-Emergency Medical Service) for expediting the treatment process.

Some Home Safety Tips

  • Taking adequate steps for fall prevention by using anti-skid mats, ambient lightings, grab-bars in bathrooms, railings for staircases, removing obstacles and keeping essential items handy and accessible.
  • Installing fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and burglar alarms at home.
  • Ensuring that all electric appliances are regularly serviced to avoid the risk of fires and shocks.
  • Maintaining gardens and yards properly by clearing the clutter and debris to avoid trips, skids, injuries, insect bites and infections.
  • Having good ventilation at home to avoid suffocation and other health issues.
  • Double checking all food and medicinal items for expiration dates and promptly discarding them after expiry.

8 Tips For Safe Medical Transportation Of The Elderly

With the steadily increasing numbers of elderly and disabled people, there is a growing need for effective and safe medical transportation to meet their healthcare requirements. Unfortunately, many families have to pay exorbitant amounts to transport such patients for medical intervention.

It is very sad to note that many seniors suffer from permanent organ failures, brain damage and may even die as they fail to receive timely treatment. So, it is important that affordable and dependable ambulance services are available to cater to the demands of medical transportation. This is applicable for both clinical emergencies and long distance non-emergency medical transportation.

It is interesting to note that there are a good number of senior people who indulge in leisure and travel. That also calls for reliable means of geriatric patient transport facilities. Further, the geriatric population may need medical evacuation due to illness or injury when they are away from home, particularly at remote locations that are hard to access.

During travel, seniors are likely to encounter various physical, cognitive and social challenges due to the prevailing health conditions. The ambulance staff must, therefore, be sufficiently equipped to handle these requirements and also manage any medical crisis in the journey.

Here are eight tips that can be used to ensure safe medical transportation of the elderly:

  • Have a thorough discussion with the concerned physician of the senior and obtain a medical clearance especially when travelling long distances. This helps in being aware of the potential complications that may arise in the travel duration. It also aids in proactively mitigating the probable risks by being mindful of it.
  • The travel environment may induce a sense of discomfort and insecurity in the elders. That is more so if they are suffering from mental ailments like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The accompanying medical crew including the nurse and the paramedics should be fully aware of this and well prepared to facilitate them adequately.
  • Most elders are sensitive to changes in climate and other environmental factors than people of other age groups. That is so because they are fragile and have compromised immune systems in their bodies. So they can get uncomfortable during the transit. To make them feel at ease, it is necessary to discuss with them individually and assist them as required. Several simple measures like covering elders with blankets to keep the warmth and providing protective clothing while heading out can enhance their comfort levels.
  • Many seniors suffer from chronic health issues including respiratory problems and cardiac disorders. Hence, they might have breathing difficulties during the travel particularly if there are altitude variations. Hence, the ambulance must be equipped with defect-free oxygen cylinders and masks to give oxygen supply if needed. The staff must also be trained to handle the equipment and administer resurrection procedures for restoring the breathing function and managing heart attacks.
  • Keep the elders well hydrated by giving them enough fluids during medical transport. This prevents dehydration, fatigue and various other health complications. Skin lotions may also be applied to prevent dryness and itching.
  • It is very important to carry all the clinical records of the elders including the medical history, diagnostic reports, prescriptions and medication schedules. The ambulance must also have emergency medicines, first aid and other healthcare equipment to handle the patient in unforeseen events or crisis.
  • All other essential items like the contact information of family members and friends, cell phone, clean drinking water, regular medicines, extra clothes, spectacles, healthy foods and dietary supplements must be carried without fail.
  • There must be sufficient provision in the ambulance for family members or caretakers to accompany the elderly patients. This substantially boosts their confidence and makes them feel relaxed and secure.
  • In short, a few simple steps can go a long way in making medical transportation of the elders trustworthy, safe and hassle-free.